December 19, 2010
There's No Place Like Home
I drove 300 miles from the place I call home
Upon hearing those lyrics I began thinking. Thinking about how my past roommates have always used "home" to refer to wherever their parents are. Thinking about how "home" was wherever I happened to be living. Thinking about what really felt like home.
Some families put their roots down in one place, one town, one house, and stay there for years. Other families move from place to place for whatever reason. My family fell into the second category. We moved a lot. I could count on the fact that eventually we would be packing everything up and moving to some other place.
That's what each new dwelling became: some other place. Each time we moved I felt less connected with our "home." Even today, I never finish unpacking when I move. There are always boxes that sit in a closet waiting for the next time we load up the moving truck. I want to decorate, find a place for everything, make the space my own, but there is always a little voice that says, "What's the point? You'll just have put it back in a box when your lease is up."
My sisters and I have often talked about the two places that we identify as home, the two places that have never changed: our grandparents' homes. Little things change as they do in every house, but the "Grandpa and Grandma's house" that I have known since I could first remember will always be there. Every time I visit my grandparents, I know that the beds will be in the same place, the cereal will be in the same cupboard, the same grandfather clock will chime, the same radio station will turn on at 5 AM, the same family heirlooms will be prominently displayed, the same sliced cheese will be in it's special container, the same playhouse will be visible in the backyard, the same nightlight will be in the bathroom, the same pictures will be on the wall.
That is when I am home.
November 11, 2010
"Do You Hear That? It's the Winds of Change."
October 4, 2010
The Past and The Present
August 24, 2010
Music and Memories
July 29, 2010
July 20, 2010
Having Faith
July 15, 2010
Especially for my Friend Who is a Writer
Ode to Miss Beatrice (Part 1)
Our first day together, three times in the snow
"Miss Beatrice" got stuck and she wouldn’t go!
I live in Minnesota, snow is a given!
My car needs to keep up with where I’m livin’.
For $500, I bought this piece of junk
And soon discovered she’s in a permanent funk!
More than the worth of my crappy car
Is what I’ve spent to save my life, so far.
Oil disappeared, the steering wheel would shake!
Plus a dangerous leak of fluid from the brake.
A noisy exhaust leak caused glares and pain;
And Carbon monoxide threatened my brain!
I’ve fixed the most dangerous parts of my car,
But Miss Beatrice keeps raising the bar.
Three windows, two mirrors, one lock, the horn
These things don’t work – how forlorn!
Rusty drums, no Oxygen sensor
She’s an oil burner with bad fuel pressure.
Bad struts, and burning smells won’t let me be
Plus, it devoured my choir CD.
Toxic fumes and blue clouds waft from my car
Almost 200,000 miles…I'm afraid to travel far!
The windshield wipers are neon yellow
Plus the dents and rust – it makes me bellow!
Miss Beatrice is only 15 years old,
But the leaky trunk is growing some mold!
America's worst car is surely my own,
and each day I'm never sure I'll actually make it home.
I don’t care what I get in return,
I just laugh at the thought of seeing her burn!
When you're driving down the highway, and wonder, "What's that smell?"
Look over - it's me! In the car know where.
Ode to Miss Beatrice (Part 2)
Miss Beatrice, my time with you is finally done.
Because of you, my dignity was overrun.
For ten long months you sought my demise;
I know now that purchasing you was unwise.
The oil-burning engine left a putrid aroma
The carbon monoxide could have put me in a coma!
But all of your attacks I have survived
Though, of oxygen, my brain was deprived.
Pushing, sliding, cracking, jumping
Why were you intent on abusing?
Since March, you’ve run up a bill quite nice,
More than 35 times the trade-in price!
Now I’ve sold you to the junkyard
Still, my budget and existence are truly scarred.
Though your existence I surely abhor
You won all the battles, but I won the war.
July 5, 2010
Five Short Reflections on a Holiday Weekend
- Driving a vehicle that has a defective speedometer really helps develop ones inner sense of speed. My inner speedometer still needs work, though. Driving back to the cities today took half an hour less than usual...with two pit stops. Whoops!
- I love my grandparents, especially in their quirky and crazy moments. Example: I went out to the garage to get a stepladder and heard my Grandpa scanning the radio stations. What did he stop on? Britney Spears. Yes, I love my grandparents.
- When making lefse on Saturday, I thought I was being really responsible and healthy when I washed my hands before we started. After Grandma said she tasted pomegranate in a fully cooked piece of lefse, I decided my handwashing technique needed a little work.
- On my drive back to the farm after making lefse, I was admiring the picturesque country-ness of the roads. When I spotted 8 or so birds on the road, I figured they'd get out of the way. As I got closer, I realized that they were little ducklings who were running around but NOT running off the road. In these situations, my mind flashes back to a time when I was not yet a licensed driver. My mom told me in no uncertain terms that you NEVER swerve around animals on a country road, no matter how small or how cute. So when I saw the little ducklings in my path, I kept driving in a straight line, screaming in dismay. I looked in the rearview mirror with trepidation, and saw at least one lifeless duckling on the road behind me. I wasn't so happy about the country roads after that.
- On the drive back today, an unfamiliar radio station started playing "Jump Jive an' Wail." For those few minutes, I was sad that I couldn't swing dance in the van.
June 29, 2010
Trusting in My Father's Wise Bestowment
June 22, 2010
Naptime Update
June 5, 2010
Gazing Into A Foggy Future
- A job that allows me to work with children and pay all of my bills.
- A husband and a family.
May 26, 2010
May 20, 2010
The Consequences of Unchecked Anticipation
May 15, 2010
May 7, 2010
- Fact: Some days, my job makes me want to cry. Mostly because Baby D can't go more than 2 minutes without hitting or biting the girl who pushes his buttons, the children are all inexplicably awake at 2:30, the crazy almost 3-year-old boy is bouncing off the walls one minute and clinging to me the next, or 7 of 7 toddlers refuse to lay down on their cots. God blesses me with a great deal of patience, but some days it still runs out. It is then that I am reminded that I cannot be a toddler teacher on my takes divine intervention.
- Fact: I desperately want a car. I was dumb enough to look at cars online; I found one that I love, but I can't justify buying it. Not until I find out exactly what my student loan payments are going to be. Now I'm trying to let go of my ideal little car and trust that God will provide in 2 months instead of 2 days.
- Fact: Fear is creeping in to my daily life. I've heard rumors of higher levels of crime at various places I pass through each day, including the neighborhood I work in. When one of the most knowledgeable local residents told me never to go out on the street after dark and to leave almost my entire wallet home, I realized what exactly I was in the middle of. I want to believe that I can trust 99% of people I meet during the daytime, but I'm scared that mindset will backfire someday. Hence, my desire for a car.
- Fact: Working in "Public Service" provides certain benefits regarding student loan repayment. Working as a nanny eliminates those benefits. Herein lies a dilemma.
- Fact: It has been a long week, which makes the weekends that much sweeter!
April 30, 2010
Where Do I Find My Worth?
April 12, 2010
I've Got an Itch I Can't Scratch
April 8, 2010
Putting a Positive Spin on Various Events
March 25, 2010
A Little More Wisdom Each Day
March 23, 2010
Tuesday's Bus Adventure...
- "I'm a Metro Transit Police Officer. See my badge?"
- "The rivers are pretty high...this bridge is going to collapse."
- "The Metrodome was named after me. I should get a 134 million dollar contract."
- "The Vikings should just go to LA. Minnesota has a new football team: the mosquitoes and wood ticks. Mosquitoes and wood ticks can kick a**."
March 18, 2010
"I'm Gonna Be a Sheep...because I'm Gonna Be Fat"
March 15, 2010
As I Gaze Upon 4 Sleeping Toddlers
March 7, 2010
With Each Passing Moment
- Last week was chaotic. Thankfully, it flew by. Almost every day, I left work thinking, "can I really do this for the rest of my life?" I'm trying to anticipate toddler-esque chaos each day, and to have more love ready for them. Today, instead of trying to stop the chaos by telling them what to do (which, at this point, doesn't work very well), I tried to pull the most worked-up child away to just sit with them and read or do whatever. I like that better. :)
- Thanks to a certain sister of mine getting minor surgery, I have been able to drive to work for the past 1/2 week. This has cultivated an extreme appreciation for all things vehicular. Tomorrow, I go back to the bus. This will likely cultivate very little that is positive. I need a better attitude.
- Drafting AND sticking to a budget is not easy...or fun. But it will be worth it. It will be worth it. It will be worth it.
- What I wanted to do after college was driven by my passion for young a variety of family/health issues have started surfacing, my "passion" is starting to shift to the point where I want to get in a position where I can put family first, job second. I want to have the freedom to drop everything and go help someone, but my current situation does not allow that. I don't know yet if I will make the decision to leave this job for another, but I have definitely been thinking about it.
- I am tired from a very long Monday. Good night, world.
March 1, 2010
Maybe I Need to Chuck My Rose-Colored Glasses?
- Oversleeping (average)
- My mom driving around the parking lot in circles (wouldn't surprise me a ton. :o )
- A drug bust at our apartments...little gummy candy drugs to be exact. (not unheard of)
- Getting lost in our apartment building (one of those dreams where a place that you know magically morphs into something different)
- Falling down a bottomless stage pit (this occurred after I failed to jump far enough off the stage where people were studying. I hope this one is highly unlikely.)
February 20, 2010
Ramblings After Another Week
February 5, 2010
O-bla-di, O-bla-dah
- 40 hours/week = enough money to pay all of my bills.
- I get to work with babies! I love babies. :)
- The agency really cares about all-around excellence and provides great services for many families.
- They really emphasize the necessity of relationships and teamwork as part of our job, both with coworkers and families. It will be a great opportunity for me to build skills in this area.
- The employees I have met so far are fun, caring people who want to be there.
- Our training includes a wide variety of information that is going to be extremely helpful...I am going to be so well prepared!
- I'm going to buy myself some awesome scrubs to wear!
- I'm halfway through 2 weeks of training. 8 hours a day of ice breakers, Power Points, handouts, and various forms of lectures all taking place in a basement with no windows. It's like being in college all over again.
- My position, along with many others, are new and funded by federal stimulus money. In other words, it is temporary and has no guarantee of becoming permanent. They hope to make it long-term, but for right now I'm working on trusting in God's plan for me.
- As I planned, I have been taking the bus to and from work. My attitude towards this is a work in progress. It's hard not to resent my lack of car when I get on a bus far too early in the morning and can't feel my toes when I finally walk into work 90 minutes later, when my 30 minute layover in St. Paul is on a street corner with enough language to fill an R-rated movie, or when I have to ride the bus home with those cussing characters. I am reminding myself each day that I do not deserve to have a warm car ride to and from work.
- Between my 9 hour shift and 3+ hours of commuting, most of my day is spoken for. I can't really do much else besides unwind a little, eat and go to bed.
January 12, 2010
A Blog Entry Which Summarizes Some of My Current Thoughts, With Some Small Attempts at Being Witty
- As of 6:15 pm on Sunday, I am officially unemployed for the first time in 5 1/2 years. Days 1 and 2 of unemployment have been very enjoyable. I'll let you know when that changes.
- Last night, I submitted my 9th and 10th job applications. I have been contacted about 2 of those 10. Still waiting to hear about last week's job interview. If "Diane" follows through, I will have a brief phone interview sometime tomorrow afternoon. In my recent experience, however, managers rarely stick to their word regarding phone calls. Maybe I should start writing in my cover letter that I ALWAYS keep my least when it comes to phone calls. Except for that one phone call I promised last week.
- I have committed to surviving without my own car until I can buy a good one, but I wish I had one right now. I've seen multiple nanny positions that sound wonderful, but are way out of bus range. The bus only goes so far! Either all the rich families with nannies need to move back to the real suburbs, or someone needs to tell Metro Transit what's really up.
- Every time I do laundry, my closet shrinks a little. Where has all this clothing come from, and where am I supposed to put it?
- On Saturday, I went with Kayla and my mom to look at wedding dresses. One store had beautiful dresses on sale for $99. For about ten seconds, I thought to myself, "Oh man, this is such a great deal! Maybe I should just buy one now just in case I can't find such a good deal when I get engaged!" Then I gave myself a mental slap to the face.
- You know what I really dislike? Those times when you are (figuratively) sprinting towards something that is wonderful and exactly what you want, and then a big, fat brick wall pops up out of nowhere and says, "Nuh-uh, you aren't gettin' anywhere near that!" Those are the times when I'm grateful that God has a bigger plan for my life and kept me from obtaining something or going somewhere for a good reason. Even so, I can't help thinking sometimes how great my life would have been without that talking brick wall.
- I lost my Ipod while visiting my grandparents a few weekends ago. It probably ended up somewhere in the 2+ feet of snow they now have. Is it to much to hope for my Ipod to survive until the snow melts and spring comes?
- I am a selfish, rotten, sinful human, and I am sick of myself sometimes. Pray that God would shake me out of my stupidity and bring out the righteousness that comes from knowing Him and loving Him most.