November 24, 2009

Why yes, I do graduate from college in just 23 days!

Target's generic Cocoa Pebbles is my new favorite cereal.

After this 12-hour parent-teacher conference day, I will board a plane at roughly 6 AM bound for the gloriously warm and Disney-fied land of Florida. I may be broke, but I have no regrets. :)

November 17, 2009

My Life in Numbers...

30 days until graduation
23 days until the end of student teaching
23 first graders I teach every day
20 gallons: the depressing capacity of a Ford Explorer's gas tank
9 phone calls/emails/notes home since yesterday
3 days left in my lead week
2 days to spend in Disney World next week!
1 parent volunteer who did not show up today
1 exhausted student teacher

November 11, 2009

The Countdown has Begun!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I will be a college graduate in exactly 37 days!
In 30 days, I will be done with student teaching!
In just 13 days, I fly out to Florida for Thanksgiving break!!!

First grade is going so well right now. I've had nothing but good feedback from the beginning, and everyone is so supportive and helpful. I am so glad to be where I am! My behavior management skills are getting a workout, however. This year's first graders at this school are a challenging group, and I started right in the middle of it. They love to test my boundaries, and some days getting through the lessons is like pulling teeth! They are exhausting, but I'm trying hard not to give up on them.
My sorry excuse for a car finally pulled its final stunt last week. I refuse to drive a car that is jumpy and accelerating by itself. I also refuse to fix a car that caused a mechanic's bill for 20x its trade-in value. Ouch. Unfortunately, no car and no money is not a good combination, especially during student teaching! The Lord was quick to provide however, and I will soon be getting a spare vehicle from a professor's farm to use for the rest of my student teaching.
I would love it if you would continue praying for me! Pray that:
  • I would have continued endurance and wisdom in managing my class.
  • God would continue to provide for my needs during the rest of the semester.
  • I would finish strong and find a job soon after graduation!